
Close Shave at a 1950's Tennessee Barbershop

Pikeville, Tennessee Circa 1959. My sweetie's grandparents owned a side-by-side barbershop (his) and beauty salon (hers). The man in the hat on the right is my sweetie's grandfather, Charles Davis. He looked so dashing, even as he surveyed the scene of the wreckage after a car crashed into the side of their building. I find this photograph fascinating, particularly the displaced garbage can, which reads "Help Keep Your City Clean, City of Pikeville."


  1. Great pic but what a terrible accident. Things were so much slower back then and a wonderful quality of life!

  2. i'm having a day like that car there. i love the new blog makeover. very chic!

  3. this photo is so cool! and i sure love the idea of owning a barbershop and a beauty salon side by side. fabulous!!!!

  4. that is so fascinating!

    i love looking at my grandparent's pictures.

  5. What a fantastic photograph - I'm gonna dig around in my family pics...


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