
Wallpaper From the 70's

Think you don't like wallpaper? Think again! Wallpaper from the 70's produces (or reproduces) the most fantastic prints and patterns, and has the most beautiful website. I went a little overboard with the images, but there are just so many patterns that I want to share!


  1. Wow great selection of pics! I see you've sneaked a Barcelona chair in there too ;)

  2. Oh my lord... you're right, I actually LOVE most of those! Especially the green branches on the light blue background... le awesome.

  3. I'm definitely smitten with that bold purple wallpaper -- and some of the smaller pics with the floral/bird wallpaper are just divine!

  4. oh i just love 70's wallpaper, that brown graphic one is so cool! I think iv seen it in some trendy shops in the UK, not sure where though. I am currently scouring ebay for the perfect vintage wallpaper, i'l know it when i see it! great blog x

  5. What is George Michael doing in a wallpaper ad?

    Some of these do funny things to the eyes as you scroll down on your computer screen!

    I like all the tree-branchy ones, and that kitchen with a fireplace right next to the cooking area...sigh.

  6. i love wallpaper - can't wait to have my own home someday!

  7. I did a double take...George Michael? Very avante garde for sure

  8. jesus!!! you have convinced me! i really had a problem with wallpaper (since the blasted 70's), but now i have to re-think my stance. these are really super. just super. :)

  9. i love them... i want them... i need them...

  10. I've been debating whether or not to wallpaper my entry way from wallnutwallpaper. They have some great stuff. Thanks for the nice comments by the way. I love your blog, shop, & job! Sounds like you and your husband have a lot of fun!

  11. YOWZA! I did work for a dentist and we picked wallpaper out for her ceilings! Her clients will be in wallpaper heaven!

  12. Oh my goodness - I think the psychedelic one (with the girl in purple tights) might give me a seizure. Otherwise, they're great.

  13. These are really fun to look at! Most of them would be too busy for me to live with, but I would enjoy a busy pattern in a small room, maybe a bathroom or a guest room. My fave is the first one -- love the color combo & those birds!

  14. ive seen that wallpaper in the second pic so many times and i absolutely love it! Im going to have to get myself some.

  15. I like the old school wall papers. When I was in the states (Atlanta), I was constantly searching for vintage wall papers to paint on. A lot of the reprints don't have the same texture, but the designs are still cool.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!