
Mod Homes in Central Florida

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I have a huge crush on the state of Florida. My gift to you: a little dose of Florida modern for you today from CentralFloridaModern.com. Please forgive me for not identifying the construction dates and locations for all of these - just no time to be organized this week. The homes below are in Orlando, Deland, Maitland, and Winter Haven, and were built between 1951 and the 80's.
Winter Haven poolside. Come to Mama.
That mid-mod home, those trees, happy sigh...
This home is in Deland, a town which I have actually been to. This lot is quite hilly, a rarity for Florida, so this home's architect designed boardwalks and decks all around the property.
I will find this house and stalk it. Oh yes, I will...
I'm not a fan of the decor here, but that floating bookshelf is so unique. Surely not to modern building codes, but I'd like to find a way to get around that when I build a home with a loft someday.
This baby is in Orlando. Liking the blue door, even though I would never think to paint a door blue.
Overlook the plain jane cabinets and countertops and look up. Gleaming wood ceilings throughout the house. Be still my heart.
Why can't HGTV give this house away?
I loved this room from the instant I first saw it. And then I noticed the Russel Wright Residential Dinnerware on the table, which I collect. I bought the first of my Residential dinnerware at a little antique store in Cedar Key. Someday my dinnerware will get to live in a 50's Florida home again.
My sweetie has been wanting an Eames "surfboard" table like this for a while, but they're only 10" tall, which I can't seem to get past. I talked him into a Nelson bench instead, but when we went to go buy it, we found a sweet deal on our Eames dining table and chairs instead. That was 4 years ago. So we still need a nice coffee table. I think we might make one out of some reclaimed American Chestnut, when we get around to it.
I think this is the same house as in photo #1 in Winter Haven. Or maybe it's a guest house. I'm headed to Florida in a couple of weeks, and though it's doubtful that I will happen upon any modern homes as envy-inducing as these, I will be on the lookout!


  1. those wood ceilings are g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!

  2. there is one of these for savannah too!


  3. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! what i would do for these places. you have such fabulous taste -- just like me!

  4. Ooh, thanks for the Savannah modern link cake.!

  5. Hmmm...I wonder if there's a way I can find someone to just give me one of these...they're sooo lovely!

  6. Oh, reminds me so much of palm springs! beautiful!

  7. Beautiful photos! We're going to tweet it out to our followers.


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