
Vintage Wedding Goodness

Vintage Wedding eye candy from the February 1970 issue of Bride's Magazine:
Look! It's cute little Cheryl Tiegs on the cover.
Divine dresses with sleeves! (See more stunning dresses with sleeves from Blog Googles here and here).
A sweet girlie look that I like to call "Elegant Flower Child."
Scary hair and scary veil. Yikes! In a "part two" post I will include pics of the bridal hats so popular in this era. Think Little Bo Peep. In fact, I do believe one bride is actually carrying a shepherd's crook as well.
Bride's also includes great decorating and lifestyle articles. I'm loving the groovy floral prints around this time. This little room makes me feel so very happy. I want to eat cake and finger sandwiches and drink tea and play bridge and gab about boys and china patterns.


  1. These are awesome!! I especially like the 2nd one. Kind of looks like something I would want to wear myself. And the fourth resembles what my mom wore. Hilarious.

    Thanks for posting these :)

  2. That Cheryl Tiegs one is really an oldie!

  3. Love the second one on the right so pretty!

  4. hehehehhheheh! these are so funny. i was a kid in the 70's, so i lived through the horror of it all. too much!!!

  5. i LOVE the dresses in the second photo!

  6. the brides look like colums. can they even more in all that synthetic fabrics?

  7. The table setting in the last photo is so 60's I love it.

  8. wow. i was just looking at that awesome lamp in your etsy shop. I LOVE IT!!!!!

  9. Thanks drollgirl! That lamp is quite spectacular. I was very tempted to keep it. It looks smashing in my guest bedroom with my sweetie's grandparents 50's bedroom set. It also looks great in my green bedroom (where I took the pics). Although, I suppose that fab lamp would look great in any room!

  10. so fun! they all look so gorgeous and dazed!


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