
Ah, Summertime

LeeAnne Wright's paintings really express my love for summer. One version of my perfect summer day starts with a dip in the pool.The warm summer sun dries my skin.
I will eat this big cheeseburger that The Boy grilled.
And then I'll go shoe shopping. I'm really wanting some espadrilles.
And of course, some colorful mary janes and peep toes.
I really wish that I had some sort of swimming, cooking out, and shoe shopping planned for the weekend, but as the wedding is only 6 weeks away (eek!), I will be working on wedding stuff. I promise more details next week. What are your weekend plans?

P.S. In addition to her Etsy shop, LeeAnne has many more paintings on her website. Her images of farmscapes, streetscapes, interiors, and everyday items have such a warm, happy feeling about them.

P.P.S. I'm having my first blog giveaway next week. I'm so excited!


  1. Shoes, cheeseburgers & swimming pools?! What is better than that combo, honestly? NOTHING! Have a great weekend!

  2. A recipe for the PERFECT weekend! Gosh, I wish it was what I had planned. I'm working on my basement and hobby room.:(

    Have the most lovely weekend, no matter what you're doing.

    Love the art!!!

  3. I'll have the burger please :)

    I cant wait to hear the wedding details! and see the blog giveaway! I've been trying to get one together for some time now, but its taking forever. Have a nice a weekend!

  4. It may be June 5, but here in Sunny So Cal., we're on our third day of rain. So much for summertime! Pretty soon, though, it'll be sweltering, so I'm enjoying it.

    We have a birthday swim party to go to tomorrow, so hoping for some clear skies (though the pool is heated - oooh la la!)

    Can't wait for your first giveaway!

  5. this is such a happy post! what a perfect combo of things. this makes me want to go swimming!

  6. I love those summer colours !!

  7. Marsi,
    Thanks so much for featuring me on your Blog! You have made my day!

  8. You're so welcome LeeAnne. Thaks so much for letting me share your wonderful paintings!

  9. Oh...so much fun planning the wedding...can't wait to hear what's brewing. I think a little shoe R&R would be ok even in the midst of planning...don't you?

  10. love the shoe picture, really cute x

  11. It's times like this I'm glad I know people with pools ;-)

    Happy summer!

  12. What a fun artist.

    (laughing at LiLu)... those of us with pools love it when friends show up toting cheeseburger makings to throw on the grill, LOL! Everybody wins :-)

  13. these kind of look like thiebauds! fun, summer times!!!

  14. whoa... these paintings are knocking my socks off. i love them!

  15. Those are wonderful!!! This didn't show up in my reader...bah. Hope you had a great weekend and glad ya liked the stached kitties...haha.

    i'm at less than 2 weeks.....quadruple eeek..haha,its coming together,i think. i'm going to be soo nervous though as I'm not one for being the center of it at all...and its getting harder to sleep,soo much to think about, toss and turn for hours....

    I wish you the best on the rest of your planning!!!

  16. I mentioned you in my blog today! Join in if you'd like! Thanks :)

  17. the artist behind these paintings is very talented. thanks for sharing (and yay for blog giveaways, is it to your shop, b/c if so i want to win?!)

  18. What wonderful paintings. The shoes are absolutely adorable. xox


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!