
And the winner is...

The winner of my first blog giveaway is...Mandi at Red Planet! Congratulations on winning the Jenn Ski Pod Pouch! So sorry for the delay in announcing the winner. I've been pretty wrapped up in family stuff for the past few days. Trophy Photo found here

Dining Room from Apartment 528

A special thanks to my fellow fabulous vintage-loving friend Design Girl at Apartment 528 for prominently featuring my shop on the sidebar of her blog! And I'm so excited to have won a giveaway on pretty.little.world - a free ad for two months. Woo-hoo! Thanks so much Kristen. Your gorgeous blog always inspires me! (And check out the Pretty Little World shop for super-cool vintage clothes. She's having a 30% off sale right now!)

Image from pretty.little.world.

Thank you all for your lovely comments about our wedding plans! Hopefully everything will go as planned, but due to unforseen circumstances we may need to change some things. My Dad was admitted to the hospital today, so I'm flying to Texas this Saturday for a week. Everything just seems sort of surreal right now...


  1. Hey there, I just love that wall art in the photo! :) Congrats to winner.

    Hon, I am sorry to hear about your dad. What is going on him? I'm not very good at praying, but I will say a prayer for him, you and your family. Believe me, I understand that surreal state. Have a safe trip to Texas, beautiful. xoxo

  2. Lucky Mandi.

    Hope things settled down a bit for you. I'll hold a good thought for your dad.

  3. Thank you! Im so exciting I won!

    The wall art in the photo above is amazing! And as far as your wedding...good luck with everything and I wish the best for your father...
    What I learned with my wedding....a lot of things may not go as planned and they day before might be a melt down...but when the actual wedding rolls around you wont care about those little things and it will be PERFECT. :)

  4. I'm sorry to hear that dear. Have a safe trip and try to keep positive. You have many friends thinking of you and sending you good vibes! xoxox

    ps. congrats on the feature and free ad!

  5. Congrats on the good stuff!

    I'll pray for your safe travel, your dad and your family. Isn't it amazing that through the internet we can meet people who care about these things and send us such positive energy?

    We had to make changes to our wedding plans, and it can be difficult at the time, but if you keep your focus on the two of you, then everything else falls into perspective.

  6. Sending you positive thoughts & hoping your dad makes a speedy recovery!

  7. Have a safe trip and know that I'm wishing the best for you and your Dad. Congrats to the winners and lucky you for winning the advert bar on Pretty.little.world...great blog!

  8. Hope your dad will be alright dear...Life is full of valleys, but with can climb up to the mountain & get a clear view again! Take care!!

  9. Thanks for the mention and good luck with your trip. I'm sure everything will be okay with your father. We'll be praying for you!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that, my lovely! I'm sending good thoughts for your dad. xoxo


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!