
I'm off!

Photo via Superbomba

I'm off to the island! I have prepared some posts to run while I'm gone (fun with the wedding theme - have to get as many in as possible before I get hitched!). I hope you all have a smashing week!


  1. Ooooh, have a GREAT time! Make sure to get lots of sun.

  2. Have a wonderful time!!! I have a little more time to check in this week, so I'll be checking in on you. Love the photo. xoxo

  3. Looking forward to your posts! Have a great time at the island, not that any time on an island wouldn't be wonderful!!

  4. Is your wedding coming up in the next week?? Best wishes, whenever it is!!

  5. i cant wait for u to come back!!! i miss u dearly!!!

  6. That shark with the cars in the flood looks like it was taken in the UK. Another UK shark caused controversy when it appeared on a roof one day years ago. Happy memories

  7. Omigoodness Lady!!! I wish you all the best in your getting hitched! I'm sooo excited for you!!!!! Go Land Sharks! Take tons of photos and share. Yay for your day and future!!! It will be absolutely wonderful! xoxoxoxoxoxo I'm sending waves of fun and tons of laughter and romance your way!

  8. btw...you are so smart doing up some up posts before you leave...I wish I had of done that..eeek. I'm so behind too on the blogs...boo...hehe...Ciao...


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!