
A Summer Party

My fiance's sisters and Mom threw us an engagement party on Saturday at my future mother-in-law's house. She has a lovely 2-story English Tudor style home with a nice deep backyard garden. Most of the photos that we took during the day were just of people you wouldn't know, so I'll spare you that "this is so and so" and let them have their privacy and just share the pictures that I think we can all dig. The garden was lit with white paper lanterns, hundreds of little white lights, hundreds of candles and luminaries, and tiki torches. It was amazing!

They set up numerous seating areas anchored with rugs, like little outdoor living rooms. These were taken with my digital, and I have no external flash, so they are kind of grainy and blurry from the long exposures. But I kind of like that quality. Our friend Mike brought a keg of his home-brewed IPA (not pictured). Fresh home brew is so tasty! This is the late night crowd. Note the ever-present Eames...

Bad pic below, but I like it so I'm posting it anwyay ;)
The picture board was a huge surprise. Those sneaky future sister-in-laws e-mailed my family to ask for photos, and they sent a big box of them. Click to enlarge and see our embarrassing childhood memories in better detail. Of course there were a couple of me on Christmas morning, no make-up, ugly early 90's clothes, tee-hee. The Boy's Christmas pic shows him in a tie. Whah? There is a mystery pic of me with Frankenberry (remember that cereal?). The Boy sports a lone ranger mask, holster, and gun. Even in the fourth grade, The Boy was such a cutie.
Just some of the yummy party food. Served on my future sis-in-law's Eva Zeisel dinnerware.
I love this big bunch of crepe myrtle flower clusters. I never did find out whose garden these came from. Our too-generous friends and family gave us some incredible gifts. The long brown box was a croquet set!!! If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know my love for croquet. We play hilly courses in my area, all the more challenging.
Well my lovelies, yesterday we decided to add a day to our trip and leave tomorrow instead of Wednesday (eeek!). I'm going to try to visit everyone before we leave, and create a few posts to run while we are off getting hitched, preppie island style. Geez, I think I'm loopy this morning from lack of sleep. Have a great week everyone!


  1. Wow, looks gorgeous! Nothing better than an evening garden party - IN YOUR HONOR! Love the Eames chairs, too.

  2. What a great party. You must of been thrilled? I love any party with home brewed beer! I spotted the Eames chairs♥

    Again, many congrat's!

  3. How beautiful! Now that's what I call a great party with the lights, food and the board celebrating the two of you. Happy wedding!

  4. Oooh, looks fantastic! What a wonderful party, very clearly you have some lovely friends and family. Enjoy your wedding!

  5. Blogger ate my comment...I hate this new delayed word verification.

    Anyway...I said nice things...lovely party, wonderful family/friends...fun photo collage... lifetime of happiness.

    Okay, word verification monster, I'm ready for you.

  6. what a lovely party!

    enjoy your wedding :-)

  7. fun!!! looks so magical and romantic. what a pretty party. you must have some awesome family members! the garden and house look beautiful. mr. and i live a in tudor too, i love the style.

    ps. homebrew rocks!

  8. What a lovely party! The lights draped everywhere and the lanterns make it look just like a fairytale!!

  9. what a beautiful party and a lovely family!!!! it looks gorgeous, and it sounds like they are treating you very well!

    best of luck to you on the wedding day! it is so exciting, and i hope you have the best day EVER!!!!

    can't wait to hear more and to see pictures! :)

  10. Beautiful! Lovely party, and how fun to share with friends and family. It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time together, just the way it should be.

    Cute pics of you guys back at an earlier time.:)

    Glad to hear you're having a great trip.

  11. Wow so pretty! The picture-photo board was very sweet, I'm sure you were pleasantly touched by the nice gesture! I know the best is yet to come dear!!! ~XO*

  12. Looks like big fun! I love all the tiny lights.

  13. oh my gosh, oh my gosh have so much fun this week. it's going to be a lovely wedding and i can't wait to see photos! report back soon!!! safe travels to you.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!