
Anniversary Sale!

August celebrates my 1 year anniversary as a seller on Etsy, so I'm having a SALE! Through August 31, everything in my shop will be 10% off listed price (via Paypal refund after purchase). The sale won't be announced in my shop until Friday because I wanted to give my loyal blog pals a jump on the sale. Just make sure if you buy something from me before tomorrow, you put something like "blog" in the notes to seller during checkout.

The Cottage Cheese


  1. Good Luck, Sweetie! Hope you sell it all.:) It's been a bit of a slow week for me at Etsy! It seems to be that way though, does well, then slows down.


  2. Congrat's dear CC!! You are so nice to celebrate by passing savings on to us. I love Etsy - the fact that it provides an outlet for so many talented people & better yet an income. Christmas' & birthday's will never be the same again!!

  3. Congrats on the annivesary, hopes for lots of sales... xox

  4. oh yes... and congratulations on your Etsy anniversary! I wish many more years of continued success. :)

  5. Happy anniversary! Off to shop now... :)

  6. yay for etsy anniversaries!!!

    i so just bought the Smoky Amethyst Flower Bottle - that is going to look killer in my room! :-)

  7. let me see if there is something fab for me! racing over to check it out!

  8. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Here's to a great next year with tons of sales!!

  9. congrats!! and have a great second year on etsy :)

  10. YAY! If I wasn't such a broke schmuck I would buy something. I plan to in the future..you got the coolest stuff. Just now there is literally the sound of crickets in my wallet.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!