
What are YOU doing this weekend?

I wish I had an exciting weekend planned...
I don't know what the contraption above is, but I really want to fly it. I could also be perfectly happy laying on this beach as the tide rolls in. Pics via ffffound.
How about a patio party? Via Sunset.
I could eat this Coconut Almond Creme Cake. The whole thing. Via Southern Living.
I would love to take a hike up Andrew's Bald in the Smoky Mountains. Via East Tennessee Wildflowers.
My more likely plan for the weekend (Saturday anyway): Attending the 15th annual Southern Brewer's Festival. Funny, but it was really hard to find good pics of this huge event. I suppose everyone is too busy drinking beer to snap photos. These are via flickr.

The beerfest hosts the regional qualifying round for the World Hamburger Eating Championship aka "Krystal Square-Off" (you see, it's a pun because the little hamburgers are square). I spared you from seeing pics of the competitive eaters. The championship competition is also in my town in the fall.

And this is early in the day. You're welcome ladies.
The pier at night.

So if you don't hear a peep from me on Sunday, you'll know why...


  1. Beer and cake. Yum! I'm refinishing a hutch this weekend. Sooooooo exciting. Ah ha

  2. Oooh I want to go to party on that patio! Divine!

  3. What fun!!! I'm off to a wedding this weekend, with a camping reception..should be fun! I'll prob be in the same boat as you..haha.
    That Cake looks so GOOD!!! I want, want, WANT.
    mmm...hamburgers...I'm so hungry...haha, off to eat.
    Have a Great weekend!!!

  4. LOL! Have fun! ...I want that crazy hovercraft in the first pic!!!

  5. LOL. I'm doing nothing this weekend, and hopefully it's everything I hope it will be. If I'm lucky, I'll feel as relaxed as the girl lying in the surf by the end of it. ;-)

    Have fun at the beer fest!

  6. That first picture reminds me of a flying machine I used to see along the Coast of Maine near South Portland. I don't know what it was called, but it was an open machine with wings, and someone used to fly it up and down the Coast. It was wild!

    If the weather cooperates, I'll head up the Coast this weekend to Pemaquid Point, where there is a fabulous lighthouse perched on an outcropping of rock. Check my blog next week for photos.

    Re: wedding photos -- maybe one of you in your wedding apparel??

    Have fun this weekend!

  7. Ooooh! a slice of cake please! x

  8. I want to go to work in hovercraft & beat the traffic jam! Well, have birthday party to go to...& shop for the present! Have a good one dear!!


  9. Nothing exciting in my weekend, but that's ok. I would love to have some of that cake, actually, the whole thing might do it for me.:) It sure does look yummy!

    Wishing you a lovely and relaxing weekend sweetie!


  10. Wish we were flying around on those sky cups together, sharing cake and clinking beers!

    Have fun!

  11. have fun!!!!
    btw i want that weird flying contraption too...much easier getting to work that way!

  12. A man rubbing his belly - do you get to make a wish?

  13. These are great images!! It looks like everyone is having a grand time!! :) (hoping you post pic's of your completed painting project!!) ;)


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