
I heart Dwell

Via Dwell


  1. I rarely read posts devoted to pic's or info from Dwell & I love it. Woman tend to lean towards romanic & french design & although I love it too, I am a modernist @ heart. Thanks for photos. That house would be my dream home, & then that kitchen..ah..must stop now!

  2. You always have the most interesting and beautiful places featured on your blog. OMG, I could live at any of these places. I would always choose a place with water if I could ever afford it - maybe one day after I win the lottery.:)

    See you over the weekend, sweetie. My absolute last chance to leave a comment until I return from Indiana Friday night or Saturday. See you then.


  3. love that post! gorgeous. i;ve never seen such a fence

  4. admire those who are so brave with colors...red floor my!


  5. Ditto! (i really want to live in a little modern cottage, with lots of color, without a dollar general across the street and a litter of puppies under the porch!)

  6. I would kill for that kitchen! I'm not a huge modern fan..more the French country style but give me a clean stainless kitchen or a well put together retro style such as these any day. These are beautiful!

  7. That house is amazing! Dwell is pretty much awesome.

  8. I heart dwell too-with their aggressively cool aesthetic!
    To your Q- do I mind if you feature our houses? C'mon! I'd love it and would be honored!!Muchas Gracias!!

  9. Ohhh these are so gorgeous! You always post the most inspiring interiors! (and exteriors too!)

    Thanks for your delightfully long comment on both the blogs, it's okay for your delayed response, I even forgot about it! And I am a procrastinator sometimes too, so I totally understand. I think I figured out how to avoid the technical problems rather than what caused them...hehe, that's not really the way your supposed to do it, but I'm waiting for my new blog layout to be made (by my friend) and then I can start my new beginning!


  10. these are beautiful spaces.
    i love last one.
    red floors=genius
    if i ever have a space, i will totally attempt to get red flooring or buy large red carpets to mock this.

  11. I LOVE Dwell too! I'm a huge fan of modern interiors (although you wouldn't necessarily get that reading House of Turquoise!) I'd kill to live in a big open loft, or a cool home like in the first image here.

  12. that space is so orange and so perfect!

  13. it is so funny. i used to work for some jerk off prick architects, and they ALWAYS bagged on dwell magazine. i am not sure why!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!