
Mad Men Spotlight: Peggy

Arguably the most interesting (though not necessarily my favorite, that would be like picking a favorite child) Mad Men character: Peggy. It has been so enjoyable to watch Peggy's character evolve over the past two seasons. Good girl? Perhaps...
My absolute favorite Peggy look (above), via tampabay.com. I would wear this dress, those pearls, this ponytail, anywhere and everywhere. I love the look that much. Peggy's office wardrobe vastly improved as she gained confidence and was recognized by "the boys" for her intelligence and creativity. The girlie wispy-banged secretary from early in the series (below), via guardian.co.uk.
I rather like Betty's church-going attire, and Father Gill seems to as well. Via blogs.amctv.com.
Very cute blouse and pencil skirt. I think this was a promotional photo, via courant.com.
Peggy at home, more of the girl-next-door look, via fashion-stylist.com.
Peggy networks with the boys, via amny.com.
Peggy's new hairdo, via vintagejoann.com.
Promotional photo via blogs.amctv.com.
We never really get to see Peggy look "hot" on Mad Men, so here is a photo of actress Elizabeth Moss looking smokin'! Via instantcast.com.
See previous spotlight: Betty here, and stay tuned for spotlight: Joan...


  1. Yes, I think I identify most with Peggy, but how could anyone so smart not realize she was pregnant? I guess in the 50s girls weren't taught about such things. See where that got her!

    You go, Pegger. Show them your stuff (but in a good way, not a sleazy wannabe one of the boys way.)

  2. She reminds me of someone else famous, but I can't put my finger on it...

  3. I totally wouldn't recognize the actress in her own look from what I see in the character! Haven't seen all of season 1, and none of season 2, so I'm going to be so behind!

  4. she's so pretty -- i've never watched mad men but everyone seems so obsessed with it, now i really want to!

  5. I am WAY too excited about season 3. I DVR them so I can pause and study the set, the hair, the make-up, go back over the dialogue- we watch as a couple, my husband loves it too!
    peggy's pregnancy was so well done... i kept thinking...was she that frumpy when the show first started...it was so gradual. Matthew weiner is brilliant. I did several Mad about mad men posts. Her grey dress and new do -ahhhhh

  6. I love Peggy! The cliffhanger in Season 2's finale was FAB-U-LOUS! I cannot wait until Sunday night.

  7. I love Peggy too (but like you, can't pick a favorite!). This collection of images of her is great.

    I too CAN'T wait for Sunday!!!

  8. I love these Mad Men features! Great job! :)

  9. Regarding Peggy not being aware she was pregnant: they didn't go into this detail on Mad Men, but the very early birth control pills were much stronger than later. You were supposed to take for 20+ days, stop for five days or so to have a "period" and then resume. Peggy, whom I gather was new to the whole world of relationships and the necessity for birth control, may have just taken them straight through without stopping, and thus did not know she was pregnant.

    The first time the boy-faced wonder stops by her apt after his bachelor party and beds her, the pills may not have taken effect yet (it takes a few weeks). They had one more episode - I can't call it love-making and I hate that term "had sex." By that time she was probably pregnant from the first time, and she kept on taking those pills, I guess in case he nabbed her again. (I did not get that "relationship"). All those hormones not good for the baby but this isn't a medical show.

    I have come late to the Mad Men party, bought the DVD's for the first two seasons and am hooked. I am probably the only person here who was working in an office in the 1960's, and it's fairly accurate as to clothing and hairdos but there are some glitches; they should have had some 70-somethings acting as consultants. Don & Betty's house would have been very Design-Research, not all those clunky faux-Colonial pieces, I doubt there would have been that many Nixon fans in the creative end of the ad agency, and most of the creative types would have lived out in Conn around Westport, not up in Westchester county.

    Love this show. Reminds me of some British efforts where the perfect actors are found for the most minor roles and you wonder where on earth they found them.


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