
New listings in the shop

New stuff in the vintage shop!

Lemon Yellow Eames Shell Chair
1950's Polaroid Land Camera
Lots of new listings coming this week!


  1. Both amazing...i wish i could. lucky ducks who score those beauties.

  2. Ooh, you have such fabulous listings. Why am I not loaded? And I mean, financially, not boozily, ha!

  3. Oh my.
    These must be so hard to part with.
    What amazing treasures.

  4. ahhh, the chair, the chair!!! oh my goodness.

  5. that yellow chair reminds me of my mom. she's a yellow person. Great stuff as usual!

  6. just checked out fainting goats btw...lmao...hahah...thanks!

  7. what fabulous items!!! and i sure love how you photographed them.

    and my little cheerleader. of course i don't hate you for being a cheerleader! i bet you did it with gusto -- and any cheer that involves the butthole surfers sounds great to me!

    and thank you for your sweet comment. truth be told i am a wreck and losing my mind, but break ups are just hard and that is the way it goes. it'll be ok though. i sort of wish i could fast forward and be over the pain, but it doesn't work like that. :(

    anywhoo, sorry for the long comment, and thank you again for being so farking cool!

  8. I wish I had realized you had the yellow chair in your shop. I just did a treasury on Etsy today (my first) called Vintage Mellow Yellow, and I could have included your chair. :]

    For a peek at my treasury, go here: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=80931

  9. Wow...never seen a Polaroid like that in my life! Lovely week dear!! xo*

  10. Lovely, lovely pieces. I agree with the comments - they must be hard to part with.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!