
This Puppy Looks like Orson Welles

My husband thinks so anyway.

Sources: Puppy photo was e-mailed from my sister. Various Orson's found at: youchewpoop, myspace, takegreatpictures, sofacinema.

I hope you all had a smashing weekend! Many of us in the U.S. are on holiday from work today, although my husband and I both decided to go ahead and work. He's off to the restaurant renovation job and I have a bunch of Etsy sales to pack. Thank goodness for a good sales week, as Etsy is my only job right now. I have no renovation work lined up and I'm putting off the dreaded job search. It's tough getting motivated to work on "labor day" after a weekend full of eating the world's best chocolate chip pancakes (that Mr. Cheese made), watching Weeds (hilarious!), afternoon beer, and lots of Mexican food.


  1. Happy Labor Day CC. You know you are so right, the pup DOES look like Orson..love to have that puppy. Our dog looked just like Sarah Michelle Geller so we named her Buffy to the kid's horror. Orson is such a cooler name. I have missed blogging this week. I need to catch up as you have posted some killer things. Your taste is stellar. Hope the reno today goes well and I hope something comes up incredibly soon. I just started back to work Tuesday & feel like a deer in headlights. I wish I'd been hanging out with you all for the long weekend. I love Weeds, beer, pancakes & Mexican food!! Thanks for your comments today. Yes, it's been a bumpy ride. Great folk but just long...long..long..stays!!
    xx deb

  2. oh my gosh the puppy! how freaking cute, and i think i agree with mr cheese...there is a striking resemblance with orson. afternoon beer and mexican food sounds delicious. i think i may need to find some this afternoon.
    p.s. i'll be doing a bit of work too. you won't be alone:)

  3. this makes me laugh!

    enjoy your afternoon .. :-)

  4. Too funny! That pup totally resembles Orson.

  5. He certainly does ~ it's all in the eyes and eyebrows...doggie eyebrows! Orson wasn't that cute, but the pup sure is!

  6. You know what? He kind of does. Ah ha. Very observant hubs you've got there.

  7. Wow, we have 6 non-celeb-resembling puppies around here... I wish one of ours looked like somebody! Hope you have a stellar week and thanks so much for all the support and comment-love!
    ((hug)) from Texas!

  8. Oh puppy! He is a bit cuter than Orson me thinks! :) Hope you had a great Labor Day!

  9. oh my goodness... this is adorable... and hilarious!

    (and the "lots of Mexican food" sound just perfect!!)

  10. I gotta agree with your husband. Do you think maybe he's Orson reincarnated?

  11. hahah..he totally does! Congrats on your etsy sales ;)

  12. heehee..too funny.
    oh dear did i just read the word mexican food...droooooooooooool. i love it, i love making it. i want NOW. mmm...dang they know how to make food saliva inducing.
    good luck with the store...i'm on un-employment right now and still trying to get stuff together for our big move. the course that i wanted to take started today,so i guess that is out of the question...:( but who knows maybe not meant to be. Glad to hear you had a great long weekend!!

  13. I totes see it.
    We're big Orson fans at the memelodia household.
    Have you seen F is for fake?

  14. Oh i laughed and laughed and laughed! I don't care if that puppy freaked me out with its movie star doppelganger. I would still give it such a big hug.

  15. ha! the puppy is hilarious.
    I wish you even more sales and more renovations!!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!