
Autumn Originals

Did everyone have a nice weekend? I watched scary movies, found several fantastic items at an estate sale, enjoyed some time out in the beautiful weather working on art tiles, making frames, and finishing a project for the shop. I'm still dealing with sinus stuff, but feeling much better than I did last week. Thanks to a tweet from Etsy last night, I found myself perusing hundreds of original works that included the words "autumn" and "painting". A few of my favorites:

Someone please buy the deer painting before I do.


  1. oh yes, the deer painting is my favorite!
    i'm glad you had a nice weekend and i'm curious about these estate finds. i'm also glad your sinuses are feeling better!

  2. Gorgeous artwork and I can see where that deer painting would be very appealing! Now I gather that I didn't see snikerdoodles being made. Does that mean I won't be getting my package? LOL! Glad it was a great weekend and the sinuses are better ;)

  3. Sounds like a great weekend to me! I love the first pic & the last of the deer. Ahh, autumn.

  4. I love that first one! My weekend was super fun, but now I am sick. Boo hiss.

  5. Oh, I like the girl with the bike! Glad you're feeling better!

  6. All lovely - but that swallow is divine!! What a talented person!! Must go check out the shop - thank you! Glad to hear you're on the mend! Sinus problems can be mighty painful I've learnt from experience...hope that clears up soon!

  7. wow i want that falling oaks picture. I love it !!

  8. I love the one with the red-headed girl and her bike...

  9. I am coveting a lot of these!! I really love Autumn with the girl. I sent my fiance a link to it with "hint hint". heheh

  10. i love the bird and the one below the bird, amazing picks!!! your weekend sounds dreamy absolutely perfect! i just realized im falling for my brazilian bc i threw up on him after a few too many drinks and he still thinks im pretty.

  11. love the leaf print!
    i wish i had the energy and time to decorate my home seasonally!

  12. That's so funny ... I was drawn to the same twitter/email (can't recall how I saw it) ... and decided I LOVED that deer painting too! I'm absolutely crazy about "originals" ... or old etchings ... paint by numbers. What-have-you. Probably goes back to the days when mom would have Home Interiors stuff on the wall... and you'd see the same things on the walls over at the neighbors, your aunt's....

    oh yes... I love the little birdie, too. And that Kansas Autumn. Actually - they are all quite lovely. Great post!

  13. these are beautiful! i love the second one!

    and i hope you are feeling all better soon. :)

  14. Such gorgeous and inspiring finds! What were the scary movies though... !! Hope you don't mind me prying?? :) I saw 'TrickrTreat' and 'Drag me to Hell' on dvd. Both gory, but the 2nd is better than the first as far as story goes.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Love these paintings especially that bird one. Beautiful!

  16. Definitely lovely paintings. I think my favorite is "Swallow" or perhaps the girl walking away with her bike. I have a real lack of original artwork on the walls, so I just may have to check out this site. Thanks for posting it!


  17. The Autumn looks perfect! i like that one!


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