
I Want a Cookie

Some yummy fall cookies for you to bake (or order!) this weekend. Num num...

Pumpkin Cookies with Cinnamon Glaze from Heather Bullard.

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies from Stylish Cuisine.

Peanut-Chocolate Macaroons from Sunset Magazine. These are almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
Snickerdoodles are the perfect simple cookie, particularly paired with a cup of hot cocoa, a nice soft throw to snuggle under, and a chick flick. Odds are, if you have cream of tarter, then you already have every other ingredient in your home that you need to bake these. I'm too lazy to dig up the tattered, stained clipping of the recipe that I always use, so here is Martha Stewart's recipe on The Cupcake Review, which I'm sure is equally good.

If you're not a fan of baking, Etsy has so many goodies to choose from. Vegan Oatmeal Cream Pies by SweetFritsy.

Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies from FancyThatCookies.

Fall macaroon cookies in flavors like Caramel Apple with cinnamon macaroon, maple filling with maple macaroons, and Pumpkin Spice. From lemonadestandnyc.
Perhaps I'll bake some snickerdoodles this weekend. They remind me of my sister because this was the cookie that we always baked together through high school and college, and we still bake them every once in a while when I visit her in Texas. Have a great weekend everyone, and go eat a cookie!


  1. Mmmm I think I'm totally going to have to bake this weekend!

  2. oh my goodness! i have tried to cut cookies out of my life but it is so hard! especially when people post things like this!!! hehe

  3. Oh my heavens... I love cookies!! I can't have chocolate, but even so, these all look AMAZINGLY tasty. Now I have to do some baking!
    Happy weekend...

  4. ahh like in heaven! everything is so sweet and yummii

  5. GAH!!! the oatmeal cookies are SPEAKING TO ME! and the snickerdoodles. wah! who needs lunch?!?!? COOKIES!!!

    hope you have a great weekend!

  6. this is bad because now i have a GIANT craving and no cookies in sight! have a great weekend!

  7. yummiest post ever.


    cookies and icing are so good.


  8. I had no idea you could buy these cookies on Etsy! Wow...I would so totally love one of those now...ANY one of them!
    Have a fun baking weekend...I'll email you my address to make sure they are good snikerdoodles..LOL!

  9. I saw the title of this post an immediately scrolled down... bad! Cannot look at these or I will go hunting for one.

  10. These all look awesome... I think the oatmeal pie ones might even be more awesome than the oatmeal pies my aunt makes on every family trip!

  11. Oh dear! I haven't had any breakfast yet and these cookies and biscuits are making my mouth water! They all look delicious!

  12. These look so AMAZING! I do love your blog, dear, and hope that you enjoy keeping it as much as we enjoy reading it!

    Keep up the good work! :)

  13. Pass the Fresh cold milk pleasssse...
    Wow cookie-porn for sure!

  14. OH MI GAWD...I need cookies...i am salivating like a maniac. They are def one of my weaknesses. They all look incredibly delicious.

  15. oh my now I'm super hungry even though I just finished my bowl of cereal!!

  16. oh my goodness! What a delicious post! (suppose I should quick eat breakfast before I go attack some cookies.) I LOVE SNICKERDOODLES!! It's that cream of tartar that gives it that wonderful "kick" ... and the cinnamon and sugar ... oh my. May have to do some baking this week...


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!