
Feeling on edge

I'm having a frustrating day, which includes total blogger's block. I keep re-reading these stairs and thinking "serenity now" and other inner peace mantra b.s., none of which is working. I think I'll chuck my "to do" list for the afternoon and go clean out my closet. Parting with some stuff will be cleansing. Perhaps pulling out the fall/winter clothes will put a smile on my face. Boots...sweaters...serenity now...feeling better already...

Photo Credit Country Living


  1. I think there's something going around...I've been feeling the same way all day. Just all-around out of sorts.

    Hope you start to feel better! xoxo

  2. I hate that feeling! Serenity wishes heading your way dear... ♥

  3. these stairs are so lovely. i did think they might catch on fire though. show's you my mindset today.

  4. It must be the cold weather moving in...seems to be the mindset of many lately. Every time I hear the phrase Serenity Now, I think of the old Seinfeld episode...we should all scream it don't you think? Have fun & smile ;)

  5. I so feel your pain. Maybe it's something in the water? Here's to more inspiring times. The fall clothes, will definitely help! All the best to you CC ~

  6. Time to layer & be cozzzy with our fave sweaters! Continue to feel better & have a glorious season okie*

  7. cleaning usually makes me feel better! xo

  8. You know- organizing my closet and cleaning in general always, in some odd way, bring me a little peace. I hope you're feeling better my dear :)

  9. I DO love those stairs! ...and I can relate to these feelings! It's hard to stay fresh and creative ALL the TIME! (and yet, I think you are!)

    Feel better!

  10. Cleaning and blasting music always makes me feel better~

  11. getting rid of stuff is def a good feeling! hope you feel better soon! slumps suck.

  12. Sounds like a good plan...sometimes just getting things in order can give me a whole new attitude!

  13. I've been having a total bloggers block too!

  14. we all have these days, hope you're feeling better:)

  15. Ugh, I think we all get that feeling sometimes. Sorry you're bummed! Take a break if you need... we'll be here when you get back :)


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