
In the Bedroom

Ione Skye's bedroom (from Domino 2006)
Morroccan Bedroom
Have I told all of you lately how much you kick ass? Thanks so much for your comments yesterday, it seems I'm not the only one feeling kind of off this week. My closet reorganization (only partially completed) was just the beginning of a long house clean up/clean out, and my mind is already feeling a bit less cluttered. Only a bit though, because I woke up with so much pressure in my ears and sinus pain that I think my head is going to explode. I wish I could spend the day lounging and napping...


  1. I hope you get well soon -- sinus pain is just awful. (I'm a huge fan of the Thera-flu Sinus brew... doesn't taste so great, but seems to work like magic.)

    For feeling rotten, you sure came up with a sweet post for today. I'm in love with these bedrooms! I especially love the first image ... thinking how much the kids would like it. :)

  2. I have decided I absolutely must have a brick wall behind my bed someday... love it!!!

  3. i love that partially outdoor bedroom - wouldn't it be magical to sleep outside just like that??

  4. Give me that warm Allard One bedroom with all that warm wood & I would snuggle away for hours!
    Feel better...sinus headaches are absolutely NO fun!!

  5. ugged, hope your head feels better. I hate that pressure feeling..I know it all too well.

    I love the bedroom with the wood ceilings, omigawd. I wish my room could stay as clutter free as these rooms. It seems there is always something around that makes to a bit messy. aww..well..

  6. these photos inspire me to clean up my place more!

  7. I love those last two rooms! That green color is just gorgeous, and the twin platform beds are so much fun!

    I hope your sinuses feel better!!

  8. I love the bunk bed bedroom, I love the look of the built in bunk beds, I think kids would really love this room.

  9. Get well soon! Everyone is feeling so dumpy lately. Boo hiss.

    That first picture makes me want to have lots of children.

    ...not gonna happen though!

  10. i want to spend my time lounging in that room by domino. so pretty.

  11. Wow. Those first three rooms are particularly amazing...

  12. I love that second bedroom, the chandelier the bare walls, so pretty! Have a sweet day!

  13. Feel lots better! Sleeping in any of those bedrooms would make me feel better!

  14. oh i love that black and white bed spread!

  15. These are so gorgeous. I doubt my bedroom will ever look 100 times as nice. Eh.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!