
Florida Polaroid

I heart Florida.

All photos via flickr search "Florida Polaroid" . Be forewarned - if you go click the link, be prepared to lose yourself for a few hours...

Although I dream of lounging in some sunny environs, I have a weekend of estate sales, house chores, and blog reading ahead of me. To get a tiny Florida fix, my husband and I plan on gorging ourselves on gulf shrimp and Landshark this weekend. What are your plans?


  1. These are amazing photos....i love the lighting, I wonder if that is an aged film effect. Anyways, I've always wanted to go to Florida. I adore the old signage oh so much...that's why roadtrips are so great. I always see a lot of really old motel signs and they generally rock.
    Have a Great Weekend. mmmmmm shrimp.

  2. Oh these photos!! So fun! It's perhaps a tiny bit (just a bit) like our Gold Coast up north - sort of retro beachy?

    You're going to have a fabulous weekend by the sounds of it!! I'm going to chill out and draw I think!

  3. "fluff queen"- love it.

    I'm planning on paiting the guest room. ugh. house stuff is never done!

  4. Polaroids will never loose their appeal. I love them. I hope you got in some good estate sales, tackled your chores as well as a half doz. Landsharks and a bucket of shrimp? I know estate sale'ing with you would be a blast! Wishing you Marsi a happy new week kiddo. xx deb

  5. These are GREAT! Loving the beer bellied guy with his sign "Why lie? I need beer!!" ... hilarious! And the sweet, nostalgic shots of the cars, waterfront and little houses... just super. :)

  6. why lie, i need beer??? hahahaha, that's definitely my favorite.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!