
A Delightful Potting Shed

Have I mentioned before how many interesting and wonderful people I've met on Etsy's vintage forum thread? When Jeanne, who runs the lovely shop Vintage Storefront, posted a picture of her adorable potting shed, I just knew that I wanted to feature it here. The exterior is perfectly charming (I find it difficult to refer to it as a "shed"), and it's nestled the scenic fields of Indiana.
Jeanne has filled the shed with all sorts of vintage pieces, both decorative and functional.
And it's so tidy!
A gorgeous view out of the numerous windows...
Jeanne and her husband recently added a greenhouse to the back of the shed. See her Russian Sage in the foreground?
As a finishing touch, Jeanne intends to paint the saying "Carpe rutila" somewhere in her shed. It means "Seize the spade".
Click here to see a few more pictures of the shed. I'm hoping Jeanne will be posting pictures throughout the season (pretty please, Jeanne?). And be sure to visit Jeanne's shop for some really cool vintage items. Here are a few of my favorites:
Thanks so much for allowing me to sharing pics of your delightful potting shed/greenhouse, Jeanne!


  1. I've always wanted a shed/retreat like Jeanne's. So adorable & what a fun place to mix in the dirt or just hide from the family!! Love it xx

  2. That has to be THE most awesome potting shed ever. Someday I will have one like it, lol.

  3. What a magical little place... I would love to spend a day there!!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my potting shed/greenhouse in your blog! I had to laugh at the comment about how tidy it is. LOL, I had to tidy it up a bit for pictures! I love my shed and I hope everyone who has ever wanted one will get it someday. It is a great retreat and wonderful therapy.....playing in dirt! "Carpe Rutila" everyone!

  5. Wow...what a swell thing this is to see Jeanne's shed!

  6. Hi Jeanne, it's Marci!! I love your potting shed! It's wonderful. I'm anxious to show it to my daughter, who lives on a farm in Indiana! I know exactly where she could have hers too.

  7. What a great spot!!!

  8. I am so into little sheds like this...her is amazing!
    I swear I would be out there all the time, and make a killer nest to read in etc...ahhhh...amazing.

  9. My mom, Jeanne, is most creative person I have ever known. She had a vision and she brought it to life and it makes her so happy, which makes me so happy! Her green thumb and eye for design are two qualities that I wish she had passed onto me....instead, I just got some thick hair and narrow feet! Thanks for posting the pictures of mom's potting shed. It is a passion that should be shared!

  10. This does look wonderful! A home away from home.

  11. Awww, is my daughter not the best?


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!