
The White Sofa

I dream of white and cream colored sofas. And as long as I have a burly husband and dogs, I will have to continue to dream...
material girls (from Domino mag - Rashida Jones' apartment)
You know how I was going to be so busy this week doing my taxes and prepping for a yard sale? Well, I managed to be busy doing other things and I haven't even started my taxes, and we're not ready for the yard sale yet, so that will be postponed for a week or two. I'm so far behind on my blog reading, and I'm determined to load a bunch of pics to my new flickr page, work in the garden, clean house, have a family picnic on Sunday (Mr. Cheese's family), do some estate sale-ing... Anyway, I hope you are all happy and healthy and I promise to catch up with everyone soon. What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. Beautiful! I have a white couch and recently we got a leak in the roof... you can finish the story =(

  2. Though I'd never actually own a white couch (they're dirt magnets!) I love all the pics you chose. So beautiful! Enjoy your busy weekend. I haven't done my taxes yet either so I'm right there with ya!

  3. Ha ha - 'burly husband'.

    No real plans. I did try to plan a little romantic escape but then it got too expensive so I think we're stuck here.

  4. I love love love white couches, too :) Happy Friday, friend!

  5. u have great taste , can i hv 5 living halls so that i can have all above decors

  6. I do love a white sofa, it's my favorite piece of furniture in my home. These images are fantastic! I love how all the colorful pillows just pop out against the white background!

  7. I would love a white sofa with a guitar on it!! I'm with you, would love to have one, especially after viewing all your examples. So perfect but so curious how peeps keep them clean? I have a slip-covered one in our bedroom and it's always looking dingy because of our small dog. Dream on is right. Hope you get lots done. Taxes not done here either. Have a fun picnic. We will be doing those taxes and yard/house work. It never, ever stops. / :
    Have a fun time Marsi xoxo

  8. White sofa? Looks great! For one week. Tops.

  9. i just love that stark white french provincial one!!! wowee. I love white couches too, in these photos but would not work in my life whatsoever. i too have a burly husband (i love that word so much) and two shedding maniacally kitties..hehe.
    have a great weekend! no plans yet..
    hahaha..i haven't done my taxes yet either, on the agenda for next week or else..;)
    take care..

  10. alas the white couch is a dream for me too! ahhaha. i guess that is better than it turning into a stained nightmare!

  11. I love the look of white couches in Summer. I have read a lot about slipcovers that are easily washed. That's how they keep em clean! Ha ha! Zootsuitmama

  12. All utterly sublime but that one - I think it's number 5 from the bottom with the cream and green is heaven! *huge sigh*!

    Hope the tax thing is progressing painlessly and that you had a good weekend!

  13. I got a mostly white duvet cover once and that didn't last long. If I didn't use the tape roller on it every. single. day., it was not attractive looking.

    And since we love our three cats + tape rollers are not cheap, out went the white.

  14. I keep dreaming too.
    My issue is with denim.
    The BF thought I was crazy when I proposed people bring light colored pants when they visit my house.

  15. I want a white sofa so badly it hurts. I will probably never get one, as I'm the clumsiest, spilliest (so not a word), human ever!


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