
Happy Easter!

Easter has felt a little lonely these past few years, as my family is far away. I have such fond childhood memories of the weeks leading up to Easter: shopping for that special Easter dress with my Mom and my sister, Palm Sunday church service, dying pretty eggs. No more waking up Easter morning to see what the Easter Bunny has so sweetly left in our baskets, sunrise service in the church courtyard, egg hunts, or annual picnic cookouts with Dad's barbecued chicken and what seemed like a dozen delicious side dishes. I don't think my husband realized how much I miss Easter with my family, until we were at the store today and I explained to him that I'd like to try and capture a little of that feeling this weekend. So right now, we're in the midst of smoking ribs and will have a special picnic-style dinner tonight, with a bike ride and a picnic at the park planned for tomorrow. What are your plans?

A few fun links for you this Easter weekend:

last year's peep show

matzoh, matzoh-man...

Deviled eggs - 4 ways. Num num num.

I could eat one of these chocolate bunnies every day.

Happy Easter Everyone!


  1. Ever since my Grandma died... Easter has become a quiet holiday for us. I will eat Easter lunch with my mom and dad and then I have to drive home and get some homework done.

    Happy Easter to you!

  2. Happy Easter, Marsi! Some friends of mine are visiting Maine from Penn. this weekend so we are going out to eat tomorrow. I think we'll be enjoying seafood overlooking the ocean. Have a great day!

  3. Love the Easter blimp! Happy chicks everywhere!

  4. That sounds very special what you two are doing. I think we are trying to eek out some joy here too. I have been feeling rather sad today thinking of all those great Easters past. Like you, thinking of the dress my mom would sew me, the hat, the gloves; even the little patent leather purse. Church, egg hunts, great, great memories. Then I ran across a photo of my children when they were small...boy that did it. D : But you are right, we need to work with what we have. At least we have great memories. Many don't have even that. So, hope the ribs were tasty, & the ride was fun and you laughed lots. Happy Easter to you both Marsi. xx deb

  5. i miss easter with the fam too. i wish someone would make an easter egg hunt...

  6. Great memories should always be treasured! I remember my hands were always stained by those colors from painting eggs in school.
    Happy Easter!!

  7. And a very Happy Easter to you too.

    No real plans. Got some chocolate. Gonna eat it.

  8. Happy Easter Marsi!!
    I know what you mean , I miss my family around Easter too. I didn't get any chocolate, I'm waiting for the sales...hehehe.
    Take Care, hope you had an awesome weekend!!

  9. This is the cutest vintage picture ever!! I also get little twinges for Easter-of-yesteryear. It especially happens when I see Easter baskets and egg decorating kits at the store -- I miss dyeing and then hunting for eggs!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!