
Although I don't collect vintage Paint-by-Numbers paintings, I have a huge appreciation for them. Especially these nautical and seaside paintings en masse.

Cottage Living via Please sir
This pic seemed fitting - I'm headed to the shore as you read this :) Forgive my infrequent posting next week, I'll make it up to you with some pics of sunny Florida when I return. Have a great week!


  1. Love ur style, great mixes.
    Keep it up!

    Arlene from My Blue Sofa

  2. I'm selling one of the sailing ones in the shop right now! Have a great week!

  3. You do get around. ☺ Have a terrific vaca in Florida!

  4. oooooo....have fun!!! i need to visit shore soon too. i miss the atlantic ocean. i can't wait to visit.

  5. I have always wanted to do a paint by number painting! I hope you enjoy Florida!

  6. May Florida be healing and happy for you. My. You do have a lot of paintings don't you? My apartment is part library, part movie lobby -- I have autographed movie posters of those movies which meant something to me emotionally.

    Your mother lives in Leesville? I pass through there often on my way to meet Shreveport with rare blood. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such nice comments, Roland

  7. Wishing you a wonderful trip dear and love your paint-by-number's inspire. The colors and simplicity yet overload is gorgeous.

  8. Oh wow! I'd love to do a paint by numbers! Off to Amazon!

  9. i always run across this style of painting at vintage shops. i really like them together like this.

  10. What a great look - I love them all together like that!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!