
Kitty Cube

If they made one of these a little bigger than this size, my pup Molly would love it. She's a den doggie.


  1. i know your post is about those kitty cubes but can we please talk about the hairless cats? wow.

  2. Hi Marsi my dear - hope you had a fun weekend? This kitty cube would be great for my pup too, especially when the thunder storms hit and ole' Buffy wants a place to retreat to. Wouldn't be hard to re-create would it if we could find those nifty chrome legs?!

    Hope all is well in Chattanooga and you are transforming homes into palaces? All my best to you for a great week ahead. xx deb

  3. I love those! Cute and chic and perfect for my Homey! (my cat)

  4. your pup has got a killer name.

  5. those belong in my house. as in NOW. too chic.

  6. We'll take 2, please...our beasties would love 'em. :)

  7. Haha! Look at that Sphinx! These look so cosy and nice - unfortunately my Dad's cat, being the type of cat that he is, would ignore it because it was bought especially for him and go snuggle up in a battered box!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!