
A Little Break

I'm going to imagine that I'm living inside this vintage ad for a few days, would you like to join me on a fabulous virtual camping expedition?
My crazy schedule this past 5 weeks has made me quite the bear to be around. See, it's even driving me to make bad puns....
So I think I'll take a break from blogging for a few days to catch up on laundry & housework, seeing friends, and spending a little time with my bored and lonely pups. (Molly has been acting out lately to get attention). I will be back in a few days my lovelies!


  1. i love the bear at the picnic table! what a cutie!

  2. enjoy your time off!! Have a great weekend hun.

  3. go take short break... then you will be fully rejuvenated

  4. Is that bear waiting for his burger?

  5. Have a great weekend! smiles

  6. I love that first shot. So fun.

    Hope you're having a great vacation!

  7. I want to be in that camper, too! Zootsuitmama

  8. I could absolutely live in that top photo for sure - so fabulous! The bear is very attractive too but I've heard they can be a little on the scary side!

  9. Awww..that trailer is priceless. Marsi glad your taking some time for you and for your furry family. Just seems harder to keep up these days. I've been the worst @ blogging this summer. Have a beer & a bear for me!

    xx deb

  10. breaks are always good. i'll be taking one soon and i can't wait! hope you're well.

  11. I'll join you in this vintage ad--just so long as the bear doesn't come near me :D


  12. Hi,

    That bear seems to be waiting for his order :-)


  13. Never seen a trailer look so glamorous.

    I'll be waiting for ya when you get back.

  14. Would somebody please tell me how to get someone to guest post for me? All my virtual friends look at me like I'm nuts, when they hear what I do. Crazy Right? But I do love it, and love meeting you guys. Put your family first, but come back and visit us when you are rested!

  15. Yay for retro trailers...and funny black bears at pic-a-nic tables! We're heading off in a few weeks for an adventure--yay for that as well!

  16. bwah ha! i love the bad puns. ;) and yeah, i'd like to live in that vintage ad for a bit, too..... :)

  17. Have a nice little break -- you deserve it. And I do love your "bad puns" -- especially when they are accompanied by such adorable and quirky photo's. haha! (by the way -- I am *loving* your beautiful blog layout... I'm trying to catch up on all of my favorites - and lo and behold, I see this beautiful format. Nice.)


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!