
Slowly making my way back...

Hello my lovelies! My "short break" turned into two and a half weeks, and I thank you all so much for sticking around while I was gone. I do have good reason for my unexpectedly long absence: some severe headaches forced a break from time on the computer (outside of the 40+ hours a week I spend staring at the screen due to work). I have also been dealing with some very sad news regarding family members who are seriously ill and tragic losses in my friends' lives that have caused me to be quite contemplative about life and love and how time is not limitless. I won't get into all of this, but will remind everyone to try to LIVE life with adventure, and no regrets.
On a brighter note, I did enjoy several weeks of good estate sales, and some good times with close friends and family. Laughter really is therapeutic. Why the picture of Paris? Because recent events have me thinking about places I absolutely must see one day - from remote backpacking trips within the States, to exciting cities all over the world.

It will probably take me a week or so to catch up with everyone, and I promise to be back with regular posting soon. Please know how much I appreciate all of you!

Photo Source: Urban Nature


  1. So sorry to hear that you've had some negative stuff to deal with. But glad you still have the energy to make time for dreaming. I agree with you about Paris -- I really need to go there! Having my little metal Eiffel Tower on my side table is not enough -- I need to see the real-life version someday. Hope everyone in your sphere will be doing better very soon.

  2. oh, you are so right. we must get out and live life and get the most out of it while we are here. i need to do that too, and paris is also on my list!

    hugs to you, and hope you are going to be ok!

  3. Sorry to hear your sad news. But maybe the new perspective is healthy? A silver lining? It sounds cold, but I don't mean it to. I read a quote today that said, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Too deep for a blog comment? Well, I hope you have a good week!

  4. I had your support while going through all the losses in our family now I'm here for you. I know what it feels like & your right, it's a huge wake-up call & a bitter pill to have to swallow. When each day passes that I haven't made the most of it, I feel so sad. I feel like there is a clock ticking and ticking fast. My heart goes out to you, your family & those you love. You will be in my prayers Marsi.

    big hug xx

  5. sorry to hear that, i hope you recover well spiritually. perhaps a break is all what you need

  6. Best wishes to you, glad you are back:)

  7. Sorry to hear this, Marsi! Hope everything is better soon. So totally true about living each day as an adventure. I like that.

  8. Take all the time you need. This blogging thing should be a joy, not a chore.

  9. It's great to hear you are okay, and while we miss you, real life is so much more important than online blog life. I hope things get better soon for you.
    Miss ya!
    also...this is a gorgeous photo. i want to travel soo soo bad soon. i want to go to greece of all places, badly. i hope to soon. travelling is so good for the soul.
    (Big Hugs to You)

  10. As we say in the South (I am a yankee), bless your sweet little heart! You have commented or followed me, so I have carved my blog roll, only of the people that speak to me, so its our little world, and I won't lose you!
    Hang on,

  11. Welcome back! Your words ring very true to me.

  12. I am so sorry to hear about the loss and sadness and hurt you've been dealing with.... I will just send strong, happy, encouraging thoughts your way. And virtual hugs... lots of them :)

  13. SO HAPPY to see you posting again & thank you for your comments. Marsi what you've been going through is huge. I have finally realized that we all go through it. Some early on in life experience loss of loved ones and some are fortunate (like me) to have gone a long while before experiencing such sadness. But you said it well, that you realized time is not limitless. I'm a prime example of thinking it was. Today as I was driving I started crying thinking about my mom & my mother in law. Things I'd like to tell them & to feel their love. I never expected loss to feel so deep.
    I hope your headaches are better? I think we tend to express our hurt in physical ways. I had chest pain only to find out it was anxiety. Please know that whether you post a little, or not for awhile. Comments or no comments, that does not matter. We'll be here for you when you have the time and the desire to blog. Just take care of your loved ones & yourself. Sending big hug & lots of understanding. xo deb

  14. I'm terribly sorry to hear that you've had any kind of difficulty lately - especially having to deal with such loss.

    Please take as much time as you need to get back into blogging - we'll be here when you you're fully back into the swing of things!!

  15. Best wishes to you - and your friends and family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. It's good that you are taking the time you need -- all of your friends (online or otherwise) will be here - whether you take 2 1/2 weeks or 6 months. :) Quoting Dr. Seuss "The people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter don't mind." ((hugs)) to you.

  16. i'm piggy backing on the comment i just left you on your last post BUT i just wanted to encourage you to take care of yourself and don't feel any pressure to keep up a blogging schedule that isn't balanced with the rest of your busy life.

    (on a side note- have you thought about acupuncture for your headaches?).


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!