
The Horror

That famous painting above, well that was me this morning. Let me preface the following by saying that all will be ok, or at least appears that it will be. Unfortunately my Halloween actually did begin with a scream (mine) as I watched my dog Dodge (who had escaped from the fence) get hit by a truck going 30 piles per hour. The vet at the emergency animal hospital was downright amazed that all 12 or so x-rays showed no broken bones and no internal injuries, so it looks like he will be ok. Dodge has some pretty bad "soft tissue" injuries and ugly wounds, so the vet is monitoring him for the day, but we hope to be able to bring him home from the animal hospital tonight. We feel VERY lucky to have such a tough dog. I will keep you posted on his condition.

Enjoy your Halloween everyone - have fun, stay safe!


  1. oh no! I hope he gets to come home with you tonight and is on the mend.

  2. Oh my god, I would be beside myself if I saw that. Thank whatever that nothing was broken! Make sure they keep an eye on his lungs!!

  3. So sorry to hear of your scary experience! Hope your dog Dodge will get better very fast. You take care -- Beth

  4. Oh that sounds like a total nightmare. I freak out if my cat falls off the bed. Glad he is doing well and should be home soon.

  5. Oh MY Marsi!!!! that is so scary. you are soooo lucky he's ok. i had two family dogs both get hit and killed by snow plows...terrible x a million.
    I am so happy he is ok!!! wow...life can change in such an instant, we have to be thankful everyday!!!
    take care...

  6. Oh Marsi, I'm so sorry. I haven't been keeping up with my blog friends and am just reading this now. Hope you all are doing ok.

  7. Oh dear. I hope he is on the mend and makes a full recvery. How awful for you to see that! Healing thoughts all the way from Sydney, Australia for dear Dodge and you and your family.

  8. Oh Marsi! I am so very sorry to read about this. My hurt is breaking as I type this comment. I'm thrilled to hear that he is going to be ok. I thought when I was reading one of your latest post that maybe he had allergies, as with my puppy. I pray for his quick recovery, that he will be back to normal very soon.

    Sending him lots of healing wishes and thoughts...and to you.



Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!