
Update on Dodge

An update on my last post: My pup Dodge is home now and doing better than expected for a dog who got pummeled by a fast-moving truck. He is heavily medicated and pretty immobile, but incredibly lucky to be alive and in one piece. My husband spent the afternoon reinforcing the fence, although I doubt that Dodge will be pulling his Houdini act anytime soon. Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments!


  1. gosh! i thk i missed that post, hope he is recovering fine and fast.

  2. I'm so glad to hear Dodge is doing better! That's great news.

    Hey, I posted some autumn pictures on my blog just for you so check them out when you have time!

  3. I missed this post... I'm so sorry to hear about this. I am glad though he's doing better... I will say a few prayers for your furry friend.

  4. I'm glad he's doing okay, poor baby.

  5. Phew..it must be so good to get him back home. Thank God!!! xoxoxox

  6. Poor Dodge. Give him a get-well-soon kiss on the nose from me :-)

  7. oh my goodness marsi. i'm so sorry and how terrifying this must have been. i too have an escape artist of a dog so i know the fear when she runs into the road. i'm glad dodge is doing ok.

  8. I'm so glad that your dog is going to be okay - what a miracle that he his bones and inside bits weren't hurt!! Hopefully he'll recover quickly!!

    XOXO to Dodge!

  9. ACK! i am so glad he is ok! ay yi yi! you guys must have been losing your minds over this! wishing him a speedy recovery!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!