


  1. Funny, I always paint the entry of the house in the darkest hue, and allow the rest of the walls to lighten as the go farther back.

    This draws everyone in, and encourages them to settle in, and not run in and out, and all about.


  2. These are wonderful. It's all in how you look at things. Or all in how you see things. There is a difference! :-)

    Re your comments on Cedar Kay: First, thank you and it's nice to hear from you!

    Secondly, some friends of ours drove up to Cedar Key from St. Pete and we met them for lunch yesterday. It was overcast, cool and then rainy. Not much fun.

    Furthermore, everything (just about) was closed. We finally ate at the Rusty Rim...so, so. We have planned to stop in at Connie's and then eat at the Pickled Pelican...neither were open.

    The entire place was really dead...just a few people ambling along...

    It was strange...but our last trips over there have been on weekends when things are usually buzzing!

  3. beautiful. always love your design choices. always.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!