
Baby It's Cold Outside...

Brrr....! My office has a low window that runs the length of it, 25 feet or so. While I love to look out at the woods and see the chickadees, woodpeckers, squirrels, chipmunks, and lots of other assorted woodland creatures - my feet are oft numb from the drafty window. I'm hoping that gazing at these warm images will trick my tootsies into warming up.

The fireplaces seem quite appropriate after my last cold post. And of course, I'm still dreaming of that home with a working fireplace. (I've owned 7 homes, 4 had fireplaces - not a one that was in working order). A fireplace would morph me into one log-splitting lumberjack lady.

Sources: solid frog (1), old chum (2,4), carpe diem girl (3), she is the war (5)


  1. Hello my log-splitting Lumberjack Lady wanna be!! I too was just thinking how my feet were cold. You have inspired me to fire up those logs. We have 3 fireplaces and would you believe when it get's cold enough I use them all. It's not often enough one can here & I'm like you, a love a fire. I can't believe you had some lovely snow. I really hope that you had a special holiday and I'm sending much love for a good..good 2011. I think you'd agree we could all use a fresh start and a new beginning?!

    Hugs my friend Marsi, xo Deb

  2. I have a fireplace where I live, but I have to confess I don't use it much. However, I did get a fire going for New Year's Eve, and it was very cozy! Stay warm! It's cold up here in Maine too.

  3. nothing better than a wood stove or fireplace and some cozy slippers or socks.
    i adore these photos...the second one went into my house inspiration folder...i love that old rustic farmhouse type style. sooo homey.

    I want to wish you a very belated merry christmas & happy new years. may you have the best year yet! :D

  4. These pictures make me want to curl up with a book and a hot chocolate. So lovely :-)

  5. always fancy a house with fireplace, but its summer year long in malaysia.sigh...

  6. Cozy and warm images, indeed. I so want that stove and the mug in that last photo. My want list just keeps on growing...oh well. I'm so thankful for what I have I'll not covet too much, just a little bit.:)
    Wishing you a warm, love-filled week.
    Can you tell me how you copy a treasury list to your blog? :)

    xOx...and some extras to a wonderful lady.


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!