
Something Old, Something New, Something Blue

I spied this lovely unique bouquet on Natty Michelle. The grouping includes flowers that one would find in a cottage garden, but take a closer peek and you will also find vintage brooches. If the desired look was old-fashioned and romantic - meets - classic modern, I think the floral designer hit a home run. Beautiful and fun!
More captures of this wedding here.


  1. Thanks for the shout-out, and for the sweet message on my blog today! You are the sweetest, and I hope you had a fantastic holiday season, too. Happy New Year! xoxo

  2. I just checked out the link... How completely charming!!! Photos like that make me want to get married. :P

  3. it is beautiful! but i pretty much die from anything w/peonies! they are glorious!

    and happy new year to ya! :)


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!