
The Dream Green Chair Pair

I literally gasped when I saw this fabulous pair of Grete Jalk chairs on eBay this morning. My longtime readers know that I'm gaga for kelly green. Pair that affection with my love of Danish Modern lines and warm woods and you have what I consider to be THE perfect chair. And there are two. But at $1,225 with reserve not met, alas they will not be mine. My heart hurts a little.


  1. I didn't realise this colour was called kelly green. I love it too.

    The fabric on the chairs are quite similar to the battered ones my parents had when I was growing up. Except the green was more of an olive green and it was all scratchy.

  2. too rich for me too... but beautiful.

  3. Marsi....these are just too fab! I am seeing them sitting in your home.

  4. My first response was "love this"!


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