
Go Pack Go!

Are you watching the Superbowl tonight? Good food + good beer + good football = one fun evening. My Titans and Chargers may not have made it to the big game this year, but I love watching Green Bay play, so I'm pumped about this matchup.
And Aaron Rodgers is pretty easy on the eyes, too. (But check out the circa 1982 'stache here, Aaron's January '09 look.)
Go Packers!


  1. woot woot! I'm cheering on the Packers as well!

  2. Marsi you are my kind of gal. Go PACKERS!!

    You enjoy the game and enjoy the sites!

    Have a great week kiddo xx Deb

  3. Yay, Packers win! Such a great game - hope the beer consumption went well & you're celebrating & feeling great!!

  4. yayyy! awesome game! loved every second!

  5. oh my, I love that first photo. SO CUTE!

  6. bet you loved the game! it was kind of hard for me to pay attention (sports are not really my thing, but i make it a point to at LEAST watch the superbowl), but i was THRILLED every time i saw troy p (polamalu or however it is spelled). he is SO CUTE! yes, i am shallow like that! :)


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!