
Waterfront Modern

This weekend, I'd be happy to find myself here...
 Or here...
Or here...
Unfortunately I have no such grand plans. I should buckle down and do some housework and painting projects, though I must admit I'm tempted to take a day trip somewhere. Perhaps I'll find a swimming hole. What are you, my dear readers, up to this weekend?  May I offer a suggestion?

Eat a doughnut! Today is National Doughnut Day. You can even get a sweet treat for free.  Tomorrow is National Trails Day. Take a hike! It will make you feel better about that doughnut you ate.

Have a fun-filled weekend!

1 comment:

  1. But if I eat a donut, I'll have to take two long hikes to rid myself of the calories and then I'll be too tired to lift my arms to eat my regular food and I'll probably starve. Maybe?

    Nah. Nice to hear from you again and thanks for your kind comments on our Cedar Key blog.

    I would not mind resting at any of these places you've show, but at my age would not want the responsibility of owning them. It's better to have a small place that takes little care so we can play and run and travel without worries!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!