

Eames airport chairs dog

Mr. Cheese with Molly

I had every intention of being a better blogger. Truly. A few things have been keeping me busy, mostly positive stuff. In the past two months I:

Had an awesome visit with my parents visiting from Texas
Went to Athens, GA for a fun family get together (and saw my cousin's amazing new modern home)
Painted almost every inch of trim in my house
Painted our master bedroom
Finished a walnut coffee table that my father built
Tidied and mulched flower beds
Painted the round chair that lives on our porch
Painted frames & finally framed some art we've had for ages
Had a giant yard sale
Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned
Got the house ready for a professional photo shoot. Super exciting!

More detailed pics to follow in the upcoming days...


  1. Greetings, Marsi! Nice to hear from you again!

    I have read this post and it seems to me that you are working way too hard while Mr. Cheese and Molly sit back and watch. Could that be true? ;-)

    Things are changing in Cedar Key. The old shack is almost gone. The town is getting a bit seedier as the years go by. The Captain's Table has metamorphosed into several other restaurants and then burned down ... a couple of weeks ago, it had not reopened.

    The Seabreeze has new owners. A place called The PIckled Pelican is said by some to be a good place to eat, but we did not like it - greasy and too expensive and the men's room soap dispenser didn't work and they couldn't seem to fix it.

    It seems to me that CK needs a shot in the arm. Some of the shops on Main St. have shut down. Cook's is now something else entirely - not a restaurant.

    I've got a question: A friend is interested in renting a place for a month or more in CK during the winter. Budget's about $1k/month. Needs to have a kitchen. Do you know anything available like that?

    Best wishes to you and thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi Lowell! Hahaha, Mr. Cheese (aka Achiever) does look relaxed, but he's been right there with me working his tail end off. Molly isn't much help though.

    Just left a comment on your blog re: CK. Take care, and keep those CK pics coming!

  3. Wow, you have been super-busy! Can't wait to see the photos of your home.

  4. holy cow, you have been BUSY!! but glad it has all been good, and glad you are back!


Thanks for your lovely comments, they always make me smile!