I'm attending the annual Halloween bash at
Aretha Frankensteins tonight, and thought I'd share a few pics that my husband took at the first party back in 2003. That is our illustrious Senator Bob Corker (although he was the Mayor of Chattanooga at the time), posing with a friend of ours. The dude in the tribal codpiece in the background is my husband's former neighbor.


Our host and hostess.

Happy Halloween everyone!
Happy Halloween!!
The tribal guy in the background cracks me up...love stuff like that!
Have a wonderful time at the party and post lotsa pic!!
Oooo...lucky duckhole! I'm chillin and illin tonight..having a fewski with the husband with some scary movie action. Hope yours is fabtabulous!
Double, double toil and trouble;
fire burn and cauldron bubble.
~ Shakespeare "Macbeth"~
AWESOME photos!
Happy Halloween!! I hope that your party was tons of fun!
Fun pics... hope you had an awesome time!!
i hope you had fun! loving that last couple make up job.
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