Just a couple of quickies, then I think I'm going back to bed for a while. I'm now full-blown icky sick (though very thankful it's not any kind of flu!). First link: Decay at
The Kingston Lounge (discovered thanks to a tweet from
junkculture). Incredible photography of abandoned asylums and hospitals. Seriously, go there now.

Ever wondered exactly how much your roast beef on rye cost? Should you splurge for sprouts? Then you need the
Sandwich Price Calculator. Warning, might make you hungry. Via

I have interesting dreams when I'm sick. This morning I was dreaming of making a light fixture from an Eames shell chair. Now I have to figure out how to do it, and find a 14 foot or higher ceiling to hang it from.
Thanks for all of your get well wishes! Off to collect my kleenex and cough drops and make a cup of tea and crawl back under the covers...
Do take very good care of yourself! I just got over 3 weeks of sick - started w/ the sore throat, then cough, etc, etc, until I ended up going to the doctor to find out I had a sinus infection. So - if you don't get better soon, make that appointment!
Can't believe you can find such cool stuff when you're not feeling well! I just love the photo of the guy examining the sandwich!
Oh no.... so sorry to hear you're sick. :(
Feel much better soon!! Sleep tight!
Maybe your dream is trying to "show your the light"..sit down and get cozy until you are again all right.
Medicine: in a tiny tea cup...
fresh squeezed lemon juice, fresh grated ginger, and a some honey.
Pour in hot kettle water, and stir.
..and drink.
Be well.
That's the pits that you're sick! At least you get the added bonus between sneezing of creating some wild wicked light fixtures! Feel better!!
oh no, please feel better soon! get lots of rest and have sweet dreams!
Oh! Get well soon! Everyone seems to be ill at the moment! There's a lot of coldy - fluey people down in Sydney at present...Love your dreams!! How cool is your sleeping brain! I wish I had groovy dreams about Eams chairs!!
sorry to hear you're sick...like half of the lovely blogging ladies of this world!!
positive point, you come up with great post titles!
feel better soon!!
LOL. At least your dreams are about creating something interesting, unlike the ones I have in which I'm toiling away at work for another seven hours. Overtime without pay! Ack!
I'm so behind on my favorite blogs... I hope you are feeling better!! I can't believe you can still muster up such great posts when you are under the weather.
(The asylum stuff looks incredibly creepy... but intriguing!!)
I have spent nearly the entire morning rummaging through the photographs on the Kingston site. Not only is it interesting to see the interiors of the abandoned hospitals and institutions, but his photography is just gorgeous! I would love.love.love one of those prints for my wall!!
Thank you SO much for posting this site!!
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