Perhaps the preppiest house in the world:

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Found via a tweet from CleverTomato.
If you prefer your plaid to grace the interior of your home, check out this Armstrong kitchen from 1954. The pattern is called "Malcolm Plaid".
Via American Vintage Home.
Dear God - my eyes are hurting!
Oh that is just hilarious. Very glad to have found your blog xx
Whoa! That's taking it to a new level! I would never be able to "commit" to something like that. I'd be tired of it in about a minute... then be like..."Uh-Oh."
That's hysterical.
oh for crying out loud! what is wrong with people?!?!? gah. i am not much better as i want to burn it down!
Conversation piece!
no words.
Love it CC. also have a peace symbol, my favorite. If I were brave and didn't ever have to worry about selling my home, heck I'd go for the plaid Armstong'ish kitchen. I'd have bagpipe music playing and have a large picture of Braveheart on the wall. Sounds fun aye?
p.s. - such good posts!
How unique!!! I think I actually really like the Burberry house!
Happy weekend to you!
Somehow I missed this post... I am not a plaid person, but I like a lot about the kitchen you're showing here. I used to have a little house w/ 50's metal cabinets like that in it. My kitchen decor is always centered around my red & white enamel-top table from the 1930's. I love, love, love vintage kitchens, especially when they're done up in red!
haha, that's awesome!
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