Here are a few teaser pics before I reveal our weekend find. This first photo is amazing - one of my favorite flickr pics ever. The contributor's father took it in 1957!
A bit of a cheat because this chair isn't wicker, but it's too cool not to include it.
A mid-century Mallin barrell strap arm chair (with vinyl straps).
Funny that the same weekend we picked to get rid of a bunch of our stuff was the lucky weekend that we found this beauty. The chair is a little rough around the edges - needs a paint job, some screws tightened, and new feet (or paint removal from old feet). But it was only $12.50!

Please excuse my quickie pics and pollen covered porch. The rain foiled my plans of getting good photographs. The chair will stay on the front porch, at least for now. It's perfect with the age/style of our 1958 ranch.
I picked up a chair almost like yours except it's more open in the back and not on the sides for $10!!
They are such comfy chairs!
i think i'm having an allergic reaction just seeing the pollen! ok, no, that's not true at all.
i do really like your find though. it's a fantastic porch chair.
What a score! Congratulations.
Wish I had a porch :(
Very nice--are you painting it a new color or keeping it white?
As much as I'd love to paint it a bright color Forrestina, I'm painting it white for now. One day when it comes inside, I'll probably paint it a fun color like primary yellow.
What a great find!!!!! It looks lovely and comfy :)
Look very comfortable as well~ they could be modern sculptures!
LUV* them
I LOVE ALL OF THESE!! the #1 shot is killing me!
and congratulations on such a super score!!! you will polish that beauty up and make it shine! it really is fab, and you will make it perfect.
and for $12.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember those chairs growing up!! How great to see them again!
Love that chair! What a great find.
Well, it appears my memory is fading - my chair is EXACTLY like yours! Maybe one day we will both find another so we can have a pair!!
so so cool, that first photo is incredible!! and i am in love your chair score....its wonderful.
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