
Florida Polaroid

I heart Florida.

All photos via flickr search "Florida Polaroid" . Be forewarned - if you go click the link, be prepared to lose yourself for a few hours...

Although I dream of lounging in some sunny environs, I have a weekend of estate sales, house chores, and blog reading ahead of me. To get a tiny Florida fix, my husband and I plan on gorging ourselves on gulf shrimp and Landshark this weekend. What are your plans?


hello. i like you.

Hello little wooden bird.
Hello orange dress.
Hello yellow door.
Hello wee forest.
Hello floor.
Hello puppy.
Hello vegetable elephant.
Hello perfect nap.
Pretty random, eh? That seems to be how my mind works these days, kind of all over the place.


Polar Bear: Dog's Best Friend?

Surprising interactions captured in Manitoba. The polar bear came back every night for a week to play with the photographer's dogs. Click here to see more.


Ski Champs in Action

"The doubles, as it is called, isn't as sissy as it may appear..."


Sunday Hike: Fall Creek Falls

Our Sunday afternoon was spent hiking at Fall Creek Falls. The massive state park has numerous huge waterfalls, including the highest free-falling or "plunge" waterfall in the eastern U.S. My husband's family settled this area of the Cumberland Plateau hundreds of years ago, and his great-uncle was the first superintendent of the park, in the 1940's.

Although I've been to this park numerous times, I never noticed this huge heart-shaped stone set in a walkway. How fortuitous that I glimpsed it for the first time on Valentine's Day!


Valentine's Feature: Family Love Stories

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Sorry this post is a little late, we were in a rush to get out on the road this morning, trying to beat the snow. Today I thought I'd share old pics of long-lasting couples from my own family. My parents are pictured below, they were in their early 20's. Weren't they adorable? They met on a blind date when my Dad was in the military, and have been together for 39 years.
My paternal grandparents "Fox" and "Y.B." My grandfather's hair turned gray at an early age, so he earned the nickname "Silver Fox" and my grandmother was his "Young Bride". Grandpa Fox and Grandma YB are still with us, about to turn 90 and 91.
My maternal grandparents, "Nonnie" and "Mindan". I've no idea where the nicknames came from, but they are unique. They had 8 kids, and according to my Mom, Nonnie used to say "Every time your Daddy walked through the front door I got pregnant."
I hope you are all having a fantastic Valentines Day, or un-Valentines Day. We just returned from a hike on the Cumberland Plateau and an early dinner out, soon to be followed by a game of Scrabble, some Olympics, and a horror movie (good for snuggling). Not most people's idea of an ideal Valentines Day, but for us it's just right. Although spending the day on a tropical island would probably have been even better...


Real Estate Sampler (Part II)

Today's real estate sampler features a small California mid-century modern dream home, a pristine brick Victorian mansion in Missouri at an unbelievably low price, and an unusual 70's modern fixer in a small coastal town in northern Maine.

First up is a 1953 Cliff May Rancho in Long Beach. 3 Bedrooms/1.75 Bathrooms with 1,361 sq. ft. With a backyard oasis like this (and views of it from almost every room), I would never want to leave home. Priced at $595,000. During the boom a few years ago, I imagine this home would have been worth about 1.2 million.

House #2 is a pristine Victorian mansion in Nevada Missouri, built in 1882. From the listing: "This Victorian gem was built around 1882 by "Dutch" Wachtel. The exterior is brick with wood gingerbread trim. Window lintels and sills are stone. The front doors have ruby red glass inserts that are highly unusual, they allow you to see out but not in. The interior wood trim is the original pine. Pine was the rare wood in this area where oak and hickory were common trees. The home features large stone sills at the interior doorways on the first floor. 

Previous owners have done extensive and careful renovation. The mechanical systems, included but not limited to the follow have been updated: wiring, central heat and air, plumbing, and hot water heater. The roof has been reshingled with architectural shingles. The interior has all of the orignal details: transoms (with opening hardware), the original door hinges and knobs; all of the original wood trim and woodwork (which is in excellent condition). Home is in immediate move in condition."

Priced at $124,900. I think this home sold or the listing expired in the past few days, because I can't find it on eBay anymore. Still worth posting because it's crazy that in some parts of the country you can still own a Victorian mansion for this price.

This 1971 modern home in Calais, Maine has great bones, and I'm itching to get my hands on it for renovation. Built in 1971, this 3/2 has 1600 sf, an ocean view, an indoor pool, a fireplace in the kitchen, and some great modern elements (though currently they're well-hidden by some really tacky decor). $235,000.

It's fun to dream...


City Light Photography + Links + Lovely Clusters

I'm feeling like such a lucky girl, as I've won an Old Sweet Song giveaway for a print from City Light Photography! Diana's gorgeous photography and her beautiful, thought provoking blog inspire me. I chose this print:
Here are some of my other favorites. Don't they just make you feel happy?

Some shop-related news: The Cottage Cheese can now be found on Lovely Clusters. I'm thrilled to see my items alongside some of my favorite sellers, and if you haven't shopped Lovely Clusters before, you must check it out. And the Lovely Clusters blog was named in the World's top 50 Design blogs by Times Online.

Need some weekend reading?

Nice View.
These fascinating plant close-ups look kind of alien to me.
Vintage Vogue Illustrations
Robin and Lucienne Day, Britain's version of Charles and Ray Eames.
Homemade nutella. Yum!


Eames Chair Madness Part III

Tonight I will be attending a reception for the opening of "The Gifted Eye of Charles Eames", a traveling exhibition of Charles Eames’ personal photography. The collection of photographs was published by the Eames Office and commissioned by Herman Miller to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. The exhibition will also feature a presentation by Eames Demetrios (principal of the Eames Office and Grandson of Charles). The exhibit includes 100 photographs, most of which have not been published.

So it seems a proper time for another Eames Chair Madness post.

dottie angel
eek, source lost! (does anyone else know?)
Also, many thanks to PaperMichelle, who featured my Eames chairs on her delightful blog! Check out her shop too (paper addicts, be forewarned - her cards are beyond adorable).