After a long week of climbing up and down ladders, I'm feeling like this:

Hooray for friday!

Does anyone have big weekend plans? I have to live through you because we will probably be catching up on chores and working on the Etsy shop. Oh, and we really must buckle down and work on our wedding registry. I know this should be fun, but we just can't seem to get started. Have a great weekend everyone!
Photos via
flickr and
Hiphophooray for a three day weekend! I'm so excited about this! Mostly because we don't have ANY plans! Can you believe it? I can't. I think I'm going to take many walks, look for edible plants, and garden. Insert a few beers in that sentence too :)
Have a wonderful weekend darling, and just
r e l a x! Sounds like you need a beer too...
We need escalator for the ups & downs ;)
Love the jumping pose...makes want to jump as well. Fab weekend dear!! ~XO*
I hope you get some much needed rest. Anyone climbing up and down ladders all week, sure does need it. Enjoy your weekend; as Monday will come around all too soon.:)
horay sleepy puppy!
Have a great weekend!!!!
i saw the dog first and i was like, WHAT!!!???!?!? is he dead????? i started to cry. then i read the post. lol! jave agreat weekend!!
fabulous, fabulous images (especially that first one) :-) Have a great weekend!!!
My big weekend plans? Exactly what that dog is doing!! Have tons of fun and just enjoy the days!!
Have a relaxing weekend! i too feel like that poochie! Thanks for the sweet, sweet comments...they made me smile!
you're getting married?? when? and congrats!
hope you have a great weekend, chores and all!
I went on a walk in the Noho Arts District with my friend Veronica today and tomorrow we are packing a picnic and going to see Dazed and Confused at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
That picture is adorable, hope your weekend is lovely, mine is so half girly fun, half work.. loving both!
hope your weekend is great and that you manage to have some fun! :)
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