The multiple additions and yellow doors just called to me. Then I read the following description, which made me a little sad:
The Trickey-Chick-Boivin Farmhouse was built around 1760. In May of 2000, this house was dismantled and has been stored in two 18 wheeler trailers since. Because there was less than a month to dismantle the building, there was no time to document and mark the house as it was being taken apart. Thus it is a giant jigsaw puzzle. While taking the house apart, we learned that the house was originally a two room cape built in 1760. Around 1800, two more rooms were added to the first floor and four rooms on the second floor. A new front door was added to a North facing entrance. The entire house was finished off in a Georgian Federal style. In 1868, a third floor with four rooms and an ell were added. The front entrance was moved back to the East side. The eastern facade was finished in a Victorian style, with the North side retaining its Federal style. There is a tremendous amount of wood and materials to build your dream home: king pine flooring, baseboards, 3 mantels, beams from a three-storey post & beam structure, 8000+ bricks, Federal window sashes, Victorian windows, sheathing, Federal front door, Victorian Front door, 12 interior Federal doors with original hand wrought iron latches, 7 lightning rods, etc.

Now I really want to paint a front door bright yellow (my doors are always red and orange). Maybe when I buy my tiny cottage in Cedar Key someday...
Those yellow doors! OMG!!! I'm swooning right now
Gorgeous doors! Sad for the house although we have renovated so many really old homes. It's like opening a can of worms!
I know that "can of worms" well, Boylerpf! You really never know what you're going to find...
Dang you historic properties, you've done it again. I never would have thought about yellow doors but now am in love. Great find!
Nooo, not another deliscious, old farmhouse! Swoon....
What a great house!
I love old houses as you know.
My parents house was built in 1802!
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