Thank you all for your "get well" wishes! I particularly love the "eat lots of cookies" suggestion from my friend
Antique Attic. It's doubtful that I'll be able to sleep anytime soon, as I came home from work early, went to bed, and was comatose for four hours. So now I have a medicine hangover (contemplating taking more so I can sleep), and am spending my evening aimlessly wandering about online. I'm taken in by the serigraphs of artist Mark Brabant. Check out his website
Hovering Object for more. Way to work a theme, Mark!

Indian Summer.

Indian Summer (detail).




Spurned (detail).

It Never Made a Sound.

outstanding photos!!!
oh, the first two are fantastic! love them. and hope you are on the mend!!!!
Love the tree silhouettes---dreamlike.
the post about the Seatlle dress designer is great too- funny the calorie shirt only comes in small or medium!
mmmm...I love UFO's except when they abduct me!
Your blog is absolutely beautiful! I love the photographs & vintage look, sooo nice!. :)
- if you would like to view my blogs please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.
x Jennifer.
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