I've been neglecting my poor blog, and even forgot to post last week's retro recipe of the week. Poor blog. This week's retro recipe comes from "The Playboy Gourmet". This swanky cookbook has over 800 fabulous recipes from the 1954-1971, as authored by chef Thomas Mario, and contributed to Playboy Magazine. No adult photos in this cookbook, just fine foods and fun entertaining ideas such as pancake brunches and pasta parties. Oh, and lots of flaming dishes. This was the 70's after all. I feel like I totally missed out on the era of canapes. While I understand that no one makes these anymore because they are hugely time consuming, they're just so pretty! I picked a fairly simple canape recipe for this week that doesn't look too complicated. Note to self: plan fabulous cocktail party and serve 10 kinds of canapes. Plan one month in advance.

Roquefort and Cucumber Canapes
6 slices white bread
Softened sweet butter
8 oz. roquefort cheese
2 tablespoons sweet cream
1/2 cup shredded cucumber
2 tablespoons finely minced fresh chives
Toast bread under broiler on one side only. Spread untoasted side with butter. Mash cheese by forcing through colander or sieve. Add 4 tablespoons butter and cream. Mix until well blended. To shred cucumber, peel 1/2 medium-sized cucumber, cut in half lengthwise, remove seeds with spoon and force through medium size holes of metal grater. Add to cheese mixture. Spread on buttered side of bread. cut off crusts of bread and but each slice into 4 square or traingular canapes. chill canapes until serving time. Sprinkle with cheese.

This fabulous recipe and hundreds more available
here, from
my Etsy shop.
That sounds pretty yummy. And flaming foods - yay 1970s!
whats a roquefort??? the pic looks weird but i'm sure it would taste yummy. Thank you for the congrats on my job, thats so sweet of you
My Awesome little Sara, roquefort is a type of blue cheese, made in Roquefort, France. The cheese isn't in the pic, those are canapes on the left. To be honest, I'm not sure what that is on the right! I'd check the cookbook, but it sold as soon as I listed it (yippee!) and it's already packed up to be shipped.
what a great book.
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