My drive to Texas was so beautiful: First Lady - Lady Bird Johnson's interstate wildflowers were blooming all the way from central Alabama through Texas. There were dozens upon dozens of varieties of wildflower in every color one can imagine. I was too eager to see my family to stop and take any pics along the drive, however was delighted to pull up in my parents' driveway and see the field next to their house in full bloom.

I kind of like the weird sunlight effect in the pic above, reminds me of a polaroid. Just to the left of the photo below are hundreds of typical Texas suburban homes. My parents hope there are no plans to develop this field anytime soon.

The orange blooms are Indian Paintbrush (there were also less showy yellow and purple flowers that are harder to make out).

Plants in my parent's garden - the lower right is a Texas Bluebonnet which sprung from seed. I've never been to Texas during wildflower peak, and I was lucky to catch some wild bluebonnets in bloom.

I dig this mid-century building in Fort Worth. Downtown Fort Worth has done a splendid job of blending old architecture with new.

Clever idea spotted at Witherspoon's Antiques in Granbury: old doorknobs as vases for dried flowers.

While I was in the shower, my nephew left this fresh-from-their-garden radish on the music stand in my room. I've never been too keen on radishes, but these were mild and quite tasty.

Opening day at the pool at my sister's house. The water was a chilly 70 degrees, but felt fantastic!

I'm finally caught up on shipping and other assorted non-shop related work stuff, so it's time for me to get down to work listing 100+ items of inventory, some of which I showed you
here and
here. What are you plans for the weekend? We will spend Sunday afternoon out of town with Mr. Cheese's mom and grandmother (two of the sweetest most wonderful women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing). Aside from that, I really should work all weekend. But the weather is going to be so lovely, it will be tough not to be distracted by the idea of a hike...
Wow, beautiful flowers. Lady Bird did good!
Sounds like a good trip. I like the doorknob idea!
Great pics! I love those wildflowers planted along the highways as well. My family lives in central Alabama and it's always fun to see the blooms while I'm driving down.
Happy Weekend!!
Glorious nature Marsi!!
Your nephew is so cute...I can tell even from the back! Wonderful weekend!!
Oh my Spring is beautiful this year...those flower photos are Beautiful!!! I know what you mean about the polaroid effect, i love when light & cameras make interesting effects in photos. Loks like you had an amazing time!!
wow. those pictures are amazing. so relaxing! i haven't seen an open space like that in too long!
I can agree that I'm not a big fan of radishes, but they do have a really cute quality... Makes me want to paint them!
Wow! That was a visual feast! Love them all but especially your nephew's radish - what a sweet present!
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