Mad Men Illustrations from
Stanley Chow.

Regarding the Mad Men season 4 sets, holy cow! Eames chair madness indeed (with many fabulous Knoll and Saarinen pieces thrown in, plus I spied a Jere sculpture in the hallway). Mr. Cheese pointed out how clever it was of the set designers to include the Eames Time Life Chairs on the set, which were originally designed specifically for the Time Life building where the new ad agency's offices are located. I need to re-watch the premiere just to catch more details of the sets!
I DVR'd it and can't wait until I can watch it tonight!! Of course I will be looking out for those pieces now :)
We don't have television so we can't watch it until it comes out on netflix. Maybe I can find it somewhere else on the internet.
These are great! And OMG, Mad Men was amazing. I LOVE the new SCDP office...I kept rewinding to take all of the details in. Very cool observation by your hubs about the chairs specific to the Time Life building! I am so happy that the show is back!!!
i haven't seen season 4 yet (i don't think i finishes season 3) but i do adore the styling and clothes in mad men. these illustrations portray the essence of the show pretty well!
Ooooh.. These are so cool. Do I see a Lucky Strike reference in the Don Draper illustration? Can't wait to get season 4 on dvd. Guess I'll watch it all in one sitting.
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