I first sighted the lovely little piece that I call "the baby ghost chair" a couple of months ago, and I was instantly smitten. The real name of Kartell's child-sized chair, designed by Phillipe Starck, is the "Lou Lou Ghost", and it's available in lots of colors.
As with the full-sized Louis Ghost, the "Crystal" is still my favorite.
Using clear lucite in a room is a brilliant way to visually create a larger space. I like the way that the computer and fax/phone appear to be floating in the room. More on this topic in a later post.
I went to an amazing estate sale over the weekend that included a huge art collection, including an original Dali painting (which was gone by the time we got there). There were several very reasonably priced pieces we considered buying as an investment - small Howard and Roy Finster pieces - but we decided it wasn't the right time to spend the money. What we would have bought - had it not already sold - was a thick lucite side table.
Photo Sources: Hive, Real SimpleP.S. I have been having mega trouble with blogger commenting. My attempts to publish comments were thwarted for about 12 hours yesterday, and I know that some of your comments weren't accepted due to some internal error. I also had trouble commenting on numerous other blogs yesterday. My most sincere apologies AGAIN, as this is the second time in a week that blogger has been misbehaving.