
Nice. View.

Wouldn't it be nice to look out your window and see this view each morning?

Edinburgh, Scotland
Solid Frog
How happy is everyone that it's Friday? It's not that I've had a bad week, but we're going hiking tomorrow in one of the prettiest places in Tennessee, and I'm so ready to get away to the woods!


molly said...

i just puked up joy when i saw the paris one. i have this fantasy of waking up to the mood that that picture evokes in paris. with a cute boy. and croissant.

Kitty Stampede said...

oooo...Have fun!!! I want my windows to look out into the woods! Or I suppose ocean would absolutely amazing too.
I'm going out for a romp in the woods myself, can't wait!

Christina said...

wow, any of these would be a dream to live beside but i'm definitely loving the beach scene. one day, one day.

Lily Riani said...

like the first pic...

Iva Messy said...

wow wow WOW!!! each is so incredible!! I'll just close my eyes and go there for a minute ;) Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

xo, Alexi said...

i'm sooo unbelievably happy it's friday! hiking sounds very fun, i'm jealous.

Cassaundra said...

i'll have all 3 please! ahh vacation..

have fun on your hike!
where in Tennessee?