Happy New Year everyone! Everyone talks about their New Year's Eve plans, but how about about New Year's Day? I have this idea for a New Year's Day brunch that will probably never come to fruition because (A) I'm never organized enough around the holidays to plan it ahead of time, and (B) I either like to sleep in on New Years Day in recovery from a festive prior evening, or sleep in just because I can without feeling guilty about it. Oh, and (C) none of my friends would come to my brunch anyway because they also tend to be lazy on New Year's morning. However, I can still dream of my lovely brunch with cool decorations, elegant southern food, and boozie drinks that you can get away with serving before noon.

My January 1, 2010 will more than likely be spent alone with Mr. Cheese and will probably go a little something like this: Crawl out of bed at 10:00, although not due to hangover but this damn cold that just won't go away. Make pancakes with husband, drink pot of coffee. Shower (maybe), dress in head-to-toe fleece that is only slightly more presentable than pajamas. Watch 3 football games. Eat 1/2 pound of Spicy Rotel Dip. Nap. Watch 3 hour "Weeds" Marathon. January 2 is the day I seize the new year.
Perhaps I'll try to have a Mardi Gras brunch instead. The shrimp and grits, bread pudding, bloody marys and mimosas will still taste yummy in February. What are your New Year's Eve and Day plans? How do you plan on starting off 2010?
The shrimp dish looks SO good! Have a great New Year. Your plans sound great :)
happy new year, darling! :-)
Marsi - I'm coming to your house. I promise to be loaded down with Emergen-C in all pockets. I am sending lots of Happy New Year wishes to you my friend. A day of fleece, and a Weeds marathon is right up my ally. Wishing you great things for this New Year. All my very best to you from me. xoxo deb
However you spend your day today, I think you'll have a good time.
Thanks so much for your comment on Cedar Key DP, and best wishes for a wonderful new year!
You know, I've ALWAYS wanted to host a new year's brunch too but never have for the same reasons? One day . . . Your Mardi Gras brunch sounds awesome. Can I invite myself over? After all, I'm not too far from you now, right? ;) Happy new year to you!
Happy New year :)
Happy, Happy New Year Marsi!! Wishing everything that's good for you in 2010!
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